Get unlimited intercultural & soft skills support to achieve the most significant results

10+ hours of my work dedicated just to you and your needs
Online on Zoom, written support in email/messengers
For individuals and teams
From $1,300 per month
Topics I can help with during my monthly intercultural support
  • Cross-cultural misunderstandings - why your colleagues, friends, partners from other countries behave in a certain way; how to build communication with them most effectively.
  • Reviewing and writing business letters, presentations, websites, messages, marketing communication.
  • Preparation for any intercultural communications - emigration, enrollment at a university, finding a job at an international company, hiring an international team, finding and communicating with a business partner from another culture, etc.
Preparing for large international events, training teams on the eve of events or office openings.
  • Auditing a cross-cultural team, selecting and implementing solutions for a mixed team.
  • Moderation or facilitation of large international events.
  • Accompanying a leader or delegation at negotiations or an event.
What is monthly intercultural support?
Outsource everything you need
Whether it's help with business communications, supporting the HR department in hiring international colleagues, pitch coaching or team training, you can rely on my help without hiring me as part of your team. No need to think about every other workshop or consultation separately.
Audit your issues and find a solution
Monthly support is perfect for teams that need to audit their intercultural issues and find a solution within a limited period of time, so their issues are deeply explored (through interviews, polls, focus groups) and then a solution is rolled out (through workshops, communication policies, mediations, etc.)
Any kind of communication available
In the subscription format, I work with you at face-to-face online meetings, review your written materials, and answer your questions in writing via chat/mail or audio/video messaging.
Flexible pricing
The more hours you buy in one package, the more favorable terms are reserved for you and your team.
Corporate availability
It often happens that in bigger enterprises multiple departments are in need of intercultural support, and it’s really helpful and easy to allow all interested parties to have access to this service under one “subscription”.
The monthly support format involves a fixed number of hours for us to work together. By purchasing this format of support, you can be sure that any of your intercultural issues will be resolved in the shortest possible time frame.
Get help any time in a month – guaranteed
Note: monthly support is only available to the clients who have purchased at least 1 consultation or workshop
Monthly support format - ideal for complex or long-term issues
С-level managers
Preparing for MBA programs, relocation, international conferences and TED-talks, intercultural leadership coaching
HR and T&D managers
Long-term training in intercultural and multilingual teams, hiring staff abroad, audit of multicultural teams
Team and leadership coaching when expanding into new markets, hiring employees from abroad, participating in international events
Product teams
Outsourcing customer development interviews, market research & analytics
Feeling inspired?
Book a free diagnostic session
Frequently asked questions about monthly intercultural support
The monthly support format involves purchasing a package of 10 or more work-hours that are guaranteed to be assigned to you or your team within a month. The maximum number of hours in the support format is 60 hours per month. The more hours you reserve, the more favorable the terms.
Book a free 15-min one-on-one session with me!
Learn how to overcome intercultural barriers and support diversity in your team at a free diagnostic session with Kristina Roppelt