I began by conducting a quality assessment of all issues. After talking to the CEO, HRD and key employees from both teams, we outlined several trouble spots in terms of communication. All employees also filled out an anonymous questionnaire, voicing the complaints they had about communicating with their colleagues.
The analysis showed that several group meetings would be required in order for the employees not just to form a theoretical understanding of cultural differences they had, but to also acquire communication skills necessary to work together (before my workshops, the team had never gathered in full).
Apart from issues of internal communication, the European team and I also worked through a variety of questions that had to do with communicating with American clients. I invited an independent colleague from the US to this session, so as to train the European employees to appeal to American values, while also having a chance to receive immediate feedback from an American person.
At the end of our cooperation, I recommended that the client hold joint video-calls and celebrations, so that the two teams would feel like a part of something bigger.